DSA is moving, and not everyone is happy. I get that for sure. But what could happen next?
I remember seeing some vague discussion in articles and such about the current DSA campus being used for DPS admin functionality or whatever, but with the ongoing cost discussion and announcement that the new DSA will be at another site, is it possible for DPS to simply sell the current DSA building and lot(s?) to make up some of the reno cost increases for other schools that will now not get the bond money?
I don't remember how much the bond was, but it makes sense that we won't be getting as much for our dollars now. To me, it seems like DPS could let go of a great downtown location (maybe even with stipulations for 30% AMI housing) and then use the money at the other schools that won't be getting renovated now. I know there will be a fight to keep the current historic building, but imo, I would be completely okay with sacrificing it to improve conditions at schools that need it.
Just kind of thinking aloud here and wondering how folks feel about what will be next for the site.